Sunday, November 30, 2008


Design cycle

M: Middle
Y: Years
P: Programme

MYP has eight steps from the outside, and they are: Language A, Language B, Physical Education, Science, Art, Mathematices, Technology and last but not least Humanities. There are three steps from the inside, and they are: Health and Social Education/ Enviroment/ Home Faber, Comunaty and Service, and Approaches to Learning. MYP is a very important to the school, the world and every one else.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


What worked well?

In the robot project there are thing that worked well like:

1) When we started to program it in the last week.
2) In the mind storms we found all of the pieces so our robot was done with no problems.
3) The tower worked in the last week but didn't work in the last few weeks.
4) We were able to program the second time and not the first time.
5) Also it was easy to use WIN LOGO, i created 3D, 2D and even one Animation it was a sea shell.

What didn't worked well?

Things that didn't work will:

1) The RoboLab didn't work well in the first time.
2) We had some difficulties programme the robot from the first time because the ROBOLAB didn't work well.
3)There WIN LOGO was hard to use at the beginning but then it came easier to use.

How can it be improved?

We can improve the project's difficulties by reloading the programme and also by trying again.

Monday, September 22, 2008



Sensers: the sensors are used and soppose to sense things stuff or
anything esle. For example the peson told the robot not to
get near the carpet so when the robot moves he sense the
carpet and get away from it.

Processers: the processers decide to what to do. For example the
the person told the robot to stay in thr room. So the
robot stays inside the room and, chooses where to go or to
move, not outside thr room.

Actuators: the gear that moves according the processers. For example
if a hand is burning the processers will send the message to
to the acuarors and it will take off.

Power: energy


chemical sensors
stepper motors

mechanical sensors
servo motors

temperture sensors
magenetic motors

magnetic sensors



Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pictures IPODE touch


Al Dana and i thought Al Dana was going to do the animoto and i was going to do the voice thread but then we joined up and i did the half of the animoto and Al Dana did half of the animoto, and i did half of the voice thread and also she did half of the voice thread. The strength are that everything is good exept for one thing. The one thing that is not good is our voice on the voice thread was not good. It was kind of low. Our work could have been improved by not just taking the project easy. We thought we had a lot of time, but then the long time turned out to be only one week left, so we thought we needed to start working more, and we did. I wouldn't recommend it to other students because now the Ipod touch is old. But i think we did a great job on working on this project.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Picture Number 1: Hi I am Hessa AlHitmi my partner ALDana ALThani and we are doing a voicethread about Ipod Touch. Here it shows when you play a song from your top songs in the iPod Touch.

Picture Number 2: In this picture it shows and ipod touch and the different parts. It shows from the side and from the bottom. It shows how long it is and how thick it is and it shows the different programs like the internet, YouTube, calendar, contacts, clock, calculator and the settings, my music, my videos, my photos and my uploading things.

Picture Number 3: In this Photo it shows an iPod touch and how we use the internet on the ipod touch. On the iPod touch it has wireless internet access, that you can use from anywhere in the world that has internet access.

Picture Number 4: This picture shows an ipod touch when you just open it from a box.

Picture Number 5: This is a 16GB ipod touch in a box.

Picture Number 6: This is a photo library from an ipod touch, and it shows all the pictures you can download. You can download photos from iTunes. Thanx you for watching our presentation.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Inspiration Mindmap

Inspiration is a great program for minmaping. You use it to mind map things. you can put different shapes and colors. It has alot of stuff like stickrs, links and you can use it to hyperlink too. You can put notes and Outline things. As you can see Inspiration is a really good mindmaping program.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


The iPod touch is a portable media player and was designed and marketed by Apple Inc. It was on sale on September 5, 2007. The iPod touch can be purchased with 8, 16 or 32 GB of flash memory. It also includes Safari, Apple's web browser, and is the first in the iPod line to include wireless access to the iTunes Store. The iPod touch's multi-touch interface is exactly like that of the iPhone. Like the iPhone, the iPod touch includes a home button separate from the touch screen. The home screen includes a list of buttons corresponding to the available applications, including Music, Videos, Photos, iTunes, Safari, YouTube, Mail, Maps, and Widgets. With the January Software Upgrade, iPod touch users can add websites to the home screen, for quick and easy access. The Color of the iTouch is Black. The Price of the iTouch is: 8GB $299, 16GB $399, 32GB $499 (USD). The iTouch weighs 120 grams (4.2 ounces). The size of the iTouch is: 110×61.8×8 mm. It is used for going on the internet; it’s like a mini computer that you can carry in your pocket and you can touch it. You get it from every music or technology shop. It also can be used for learning by taking notes in class because the iTouch has notes and you don’t need computers any more because the iTouch has wireless internet access and if you are doing humanities or science you need to know the weather and the iTouch has weather in it also the iTouch is small so you can carry it in your pocket.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tecnology you can use at home

Apple - ipod classic

How do you use it?
If you want to hear music you can hear, and if you want to put pictuers and video you can. It is a great tecnology.

How could you use it in school?
I could use it in school when it is time for break or the end of school, and sometimes when i have free time in the class and i ask my teacher it i could use it.

Why is it importent to you'r life?
This technology which is called ipod is importent to my life because if i am board and i don't have nothing to do, i could hear music and it makes me not board, or i hear it just for fun.